This blog post will teach you how to search packages about chip-seq in Rstudio.
## 载入需要的程辑包:tools
## You are working with
## packagefinder version 0.3.2
## Getting started:
## * Use findPackage(keywords, mode) to search CRAN for packages, e.g. findPackage(c("meta","regression"), "and") or just findPackage("meta and regression") .
## * Use exploreFields(fields, term) to search a term in the specified fields, e.g. exploreFields(c("Package", "Title"), "logistic").
## * Use whatsNew() to check for new packages on CRAN.
## Tip: Check out the online help pages for more parameters as well as interesting functions like go(), packageDetails() or buildIndex().
## Your are searching packages for the term 'chip-seq'
## Please wait while index is being searched...
## Results: 13 out of 19049 CRAN packages found in 5 seconds.